Left: More Laws, Less Cops! Right: Less Laws, More Cops! Centrist: More Laws, More Cops! Side A: Kill 1000 kittens Side B: Don't kill any kittens Centrist: Killing kittens should be safe, legal and rare Side A: The Sudeten population was and is German. Side B: The nation of St. Wenceslas will never be slaves. Centrist: Peace for our time! Side A: Abolish slavery Side B: Owning slaves is a right Centrist: Slaves shall be counted as 3/5 when apportioning representatives Side A: Human bondage defies the principles of 1776 Side B: The Constitution relinquishes any claim to restricting slavery within the states Centrist: Missouri and Maine can enter the Union at the same time Side A: There should be a one-world government. Side B: Governments should be small and local. Centrist: Kill the bad countries, make treaties with the good ones. Both political wings must work together to stop radical-centrist Trump. 🤔 Left and right both separately tried to stop Trump in 16 - unsuccessfully...