Breaking News from the James Damore Memo!
Google engineer fired for memo saying women can't touch a computer without breaking it. Memo also says Handmaid's Tale "a good idea." Suggests Google adopt Star Trek inspired Ferengi dress code. Memo writing dudebro says women have a role at Google "in the cafeteria, making sandwiches or something." From the controversial Google memo: Mattress Girl "probably had it coming." Former Google engineer also wonders what Sulkowicz was wearing. "Women, on average, are more empathetic…" *approving nods* "…more agreeable…" *approving nods* "…and have greater anxiety." *howls. of. rage.* More from the Memo: "I write the best code. Believe me. Nobody writes code like I do." Google exec responds: "James Damore is literally Elliot Rodger. Or maybe Hitler. I can't decide." Hazmat team called in to clear James Damore's cubicle; Google cites high levels of 'toxic masculinity.' More from the Memo: fmr...