
Showing posts from October, 2011

Use Your Brain...

This is good stuff. I had to share.

Gaddafi is Dead

I'm gonna miss this face. How this, too, is about Obama Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, paragon of fashion and autocratic ruler of Libya since 1969, is dead, presumably by sudden lead poisoning.  The winner of the race to see who can jam Obama's name into a headline about Col. Gaddafi's demise first seems to be the Financial Times, with a piece entitled " Gaddafi death boosts Obama reputation ." Clocked in at 4pm London time, FT beats President Obama's speech by a full six hours. Nifty headline, considering new polls have yet to be taken since the late Colonel's passing. I have no doubt President O will get a handy post-Gaddafi bump. But considering how quickly his after-Osama bump spoiled, I wouldn't expect this one to last even as long. Did he even get a bump from al-Awlaki? Don't expect the spelling of Gaddafi / Qaddafi / Kadafi to stop changing, either. Now with Gaddafi off the stage, the world is wondering, who will be next in the Obamistration'...