On Centrism

Left: More Laws, Less Cops!
Right: Less Laws, More Cops!
Centrist: More Laws, More Cops!

Side A: Kill 1000 kittens
Side B: Don't kill any kittens
Centrist: Killing kittens should be safe, legal and rare

Side A: The Sudeten population was and is German.
Side B: The nation of St. Wenceslas will never be slaves.
Centrist: Peace for our time!

Side A: Abolish slavery
Side B: Owning slaves is a right
Centrist: Slaves shall be counted as 3/5 when apportioning representatives

Side A: Human bondage defies the principles of 1776
Side B: The Constitution relinquishes any claim to restricting slavery within the states
Centrist: Missouri and Maine can enter the Union at the same time

Side A: There should be a one-world government.
Side B: Governments should be small and local. 
Centrist: Kill the bad countries, make treaties with the good ones.

Both political wings must work together to stop radical-centrist Trump. 🤔
Side A: Put a wall on the border.
Side B: No barriers on the border.
Centrist: Put a wall with a do—, er, instead of a wall a fen—, I mean, Orange Man Bad!!!

far left: we’re gonna do utopia and you’re a racist if you have any concerns
far right: *Account suspended*
centrists: why is no one addressing right-wing extremism?

A conception: 

Centrists be like: "Don't throw the bathwater out with the baby."


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