Weekend Musings

Look! I made this delicious piyiyi—Whoops! Uhhhh… Cobbler! I made a yummy cobbler!

Pie is ravioli large enough to share.

Late stage free speech: You can get away with any harmful action so long as you say something inflammatory first.

Government is simply the name we give to the things we choose to do together...with guns.

You know what would’ve made a great song parody, like, 15 years ago? “Let’s get digital, digital. I want to get digital, digital.“

Someday I’ll be teaching my grandkids how to program a VCR.

Why the hell am I on the same internet as all these video game and anime nerds?

“Taxation is theft” is rhetorically alongside  “Black lives matter,” “Better dead than red,”  and “From my cold, dead hands.”

Mueller needs to hurry up and indict Trump before Korea is reunified.

We live in a country where best friends are banned and kids get suspended for making pop-tart guns. But tell me more about how Trump isn’t normal.

No one knows what’s normal. They just assume Trump is not. And they’re almost completely wrong.

I’m low on sleep. My mind is going all sorts of places.

Say again what ‘tinnitus’ is? I couldn’t hear you over the ringing in my ears.

I will not consider my life complete until I see an historical docu-drama starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Leonardo Di Vinci.

Ugh! I’m already exhausted and it isn’t even morning yet.


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