Hold Hope, Kaiju...

from Twitter

Hold hope, Kaiju. There are places even Armageddon cannot reach.

Kaiju (@kaijubushi) 1 Mar 2018
I’ll see her again, if not in this life then the next.
My hybrid electric chariot and I have things to do until then.
The world’s on fire, and I’ve got nothing but time to burn.


If there is one thing they drummed into us, it's that what affects us here doesn't affect anyone anywhere else. I suppose it works in reverse, too.


To management, it doesn't matter if there's hail, flooding, three feet of snow. You get your ass in here and you answer the phone.


So that's what we did, dutifully, and well beyond the point where the only calls coming in were incoherent ravings.


Even as the convoy rumbled past our low rise, we did our best.

"Sorry, could you repeat that? There was some noise on my end."


Somewhere along the way, the job changed, even if the work didn't.


New scripts were handed out, still warm from the copier. The information in the database changed. The "amenities" field no longer listed fitness centers but surgical centers. Continental breakfast was now merely "food and water."


Craig, with his rumpled shirts and stubbly chin, was replaced by someone with a crisp uniform and a clean face.


I like this guy better; his questions make sense and I can answer them. He also smells better.

I was planning to go down the road for lunch, maybe get wings, but they told us to stay inside. Management brought in sandwiches. Not Jimmy John's but the other place that's just like them.


No one was looking, so I took a turkey and a salami. All the regular Coke was already gone, but I guess Dr. Pepper is okay.


I went outside anyway, past the smokers and to my car. I need to find out the name of that sandwich place. I like their mayo better.


I thought I might hear some news, but there's nothing but static on the radio. I can't remember what CD I have in.


I'm not sure I've ever seen the sky this color before.


Kaiju (@kaijubushi)
Replying to @tryanmax


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