
Showing posts from March, 2021

My understanding of NRx

NRx = Neoreaction. If you've heard of Curtis Yarvin, a.k.a. Mencius Moldbug, that's what he (ostensibly) is. A lot of people think he started it, but I don't think he thinks so.  I got curious about it and fount it to be a thoroughly maligned ideology, if you can call it an ideology. For one thing, it's a lot less structured than its critics seem to believe. I think that rather confounds them. I've seen such confused critiques of NRx as to claim that every thinker going back to Aristotle is NRx, and also to claim that NRx is right-wing postmodernism. I think both of those claims, and many more like them, are so facially absurd that the critics lobbing them have no idea what they're talking about. But Steve Bannon reportedly read something by an allegedly NRx author, so obviously NRx is just the worst.  Milder critics express concern that NRx would scrap liberalism. I'll address that concern more thoroughly in a moment, but let it not go unstated that it was ...

Things I might have tweeted (March edition)

When a man says he wants a woman who supports his goals, he means emotionally. When a woman says she wants a man to support her goals, she means financially.  ~~~ Opinions cannot be untrue.  ~~~ Translation: decolonize = segregate  ~~~ Translation: đŸ¤« = the n-word ~~~ The worst mistake in history was probably not made recently. ~~~ Can anyone tell me the name of that dubstep song that goes “Doooo rheeeer buuuuhn ch-ch-ch-cha”?  ~~~ Shouldn’t Australian websites start with ‘mmm’?  ~~~ An honest oppressor would simply say, “Payback is a bitch.” Some are labeling equity and justice for non-white people as anti-white bigotry. If other races being liberated from inhumanity feels like bondage to you, then you’ve probably been complicit in, as well as a cultivator and benefactor of, white supremacy. — Be A King (@BerniceKing) March 21, 2021 ~~~ If "science" were a politician, it'd have to be a Democrat, because not even Mitt Romney can flip-flop that much and g...

A Devil's Advocate response to Thomas Sowell

 h/t to  @philllosoraptor  for putting this in front of me As brilliant as this argument is in taking down the notion that the lingering effects of slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, etc. necessarily remain with us today, it stands no chance against the shiftiness of CRT thinking.  In answer to Sowell's questions 5 and 6, the Critical Race Theorist would unhesitatingly say "yes." Because getting married or having reading material at home are both forms of "whiteness." And the racist has structured society to favor whiteness over all other ways of being. That is to say, the Critical Race Theorist thinks that society is structured around essentially arbitrary institutions. Why build a society upon family cohesion, education, and work ethic? Why not build society around something else? Why not the opposites? The idea that one way of doing things might actually work better than another is—for the most part—outside CRT thinking. To the extent that they have it at all, the...

Goodbye Twitter

I deactivated my Twitter account last week. I have grave concerns for the future of free speech in the United States.  When I was young, the political left made a serious push to make hate speech illegal. They mostly failed, thanks to a robust First Amendment. But, they never gave up.  I navigated speech codes in college, easily for the most part, because I wasn’t yet interested in politics, nor was I interested in offending anyone.  I had one run in with the PC police (back before SJWs appeared). There was some question on campus as to my sexuality, and I found it greatly amusing to let it hang there. Upon determining I was straight, the campus lesbian (if you know what I mean) marched straight to the administration and demanded my scholarships be stripped away. I got off with writing a half-hearted mea culpa and continuing to be vague about my preferences. I did, in fact, date several girls in college and no boys, but I think the ambiguity was most of my allure. I event...