Things I MAY have tweeted.


Real Antifa has never been tried.


In retrospect, anti-vape was a dry run for c19 insofar as “We don’t have 100% of the science so we should just ignore the 95% we do have.”


Government is going to take over healthcare and monitor what you eat, yet continue to subsidize sugar and HFCS. Because government.


You might not like it, but this is what nature healing looks like:


“Talking points” means “true, but not useful to my side.”


I liked Grogu better when he was known as Baby Yoda.


This is so obvious once somebody actually says it.

When the formal government defers to institutions that are formally outside the government, it leaks power into them and makes them de facto state agencies. 


Democrats: *cause inflation*

Media: “Consumer spending is up!”


There are dichotomies and then there are false-dichotomies.


Imagine a cult that does not believe in a god but does believe in the devil.

Now think about NeverTrump and stop imagining.


A man can bring a raging bull under control with the use of a small ring through the animal's nose.

By contrast, the man's rage is the ring.


If there were such a thing as "white solidarity," there would be no such thing as "diversity training."


Banning people from Twitter is a bad thing but embarrassing people off of Twitter is a good thing.


Common deception trick: using chronology to imply causality.

Advanced: reversing chronology to imply causality (effect leads to cause)


I lost my boat in a gunning accident.


A gentleman asked me if I'd had the COVID shot.

I said I had.

"Good for you," he said.

"We'll see," I said. 

He did not seem to like that.


A woman carrying a child is not an incubator. She is a mother. Calling regular things by repugnant words does not make the things repugnant.


Crazy how "Bidenism" went from describing a senile politician's gaffes and faux pas to wistfully describing an as-yet undefined ideology that will most likely just be warmed-over statism. Again.


The best way to oppose a political party is with an opposing political party.

The idea of "changing the party from within" is simply a safeguard against people leaving the party.


Jesus isn't white? I'm going to have to rethink my entire belief system. /sarc


Don't confuse "having kids" with "starting a family."


The best part of the mask is imagining whatever I want to. 


Did I just figure out burkas?


Conservative: “Let’s not change things too quickly.”

Liberal: “YOU'RE KILLING ME!!!”


Anyone alive enough to tell you they’re part of the Human Extinction Project is a liar and a hypocrite.


Santa Claus is real. But remember, he only brings presents to good boys and girls. Those gifts from “Santa” in your mom’s handwriting? It was not the lie you think it was. 


The standard reply to tech questions online is “Why would you want to do that?!?!?!”


I have no words for people who say CRT is just a legal theory... that for some reason is being taught to kindergarteners.


The point of making a big deal out of 1/6 is that the Swamp needs you to really understand that they’re not afraid of Trump or MAGA so that you won’t think to ask who they are afraid of.


You would think people who are in favor of the new gene-therapy would at least be comfortable calling it what it is. (It's not a vaccine.) 


The winner is whoever appears the least bothered. 


How can we teach children that racism is bad if we can't also teach them that white people are bad? Banning CRT from schools will have a chilling effect.


Ancient lore tells of a third kind of peanut butter, one which stands between and above both chunky and creamy, but was lost to mankind, yet when it is rediscovered, will end all strife borne of food spreads and restore the One True Sandwich.

Some faithful believe that the third peanut butter is still with us, and that it never really left. These same believers also hold that a Reese’s peanut butter cup is a sandwich.


For anyone younger than thirty, 1/6 is a bigger deal than 9/11.


Meet the team. This here’s Brick. That’s Crowbar. He’s Grill. Over there is Bookshelf. Ya got Spoon. Bucket. Tilex. Yarborough. The twins, Sharpie and Bic. Mr. Coffee. The Baconator. That’s USB. And this little lady is Courtney-Lynne, but you can just call her Pop Tart.


The MCU (like Marvel Comics) is littered with people who are smarter than just about everybody, so writers need to draw out other character traits to keep it from being like an Ayn Rand novel.


Religion is not synonymous with faith.


Dems: “Actual Genocide!” CricketCricketCricket

Left: “Concentration Camps!” CricketCricketCricket

MSM: “Fascist Dictator!” CricketCricketCricket

SJWs: “Literally Hitler!” CricketCricketCricket

IC: “White Supremacy!” CricketCricketCricket

MTG: “Sorta like the Holocaust.”


(On comparisons between MTG and AOC) Remember action figures from the 80s? How for every bad guy there was a roughly equivalent good guy? That was a life lesson. Sometimes you have to play with the action figure you get for your birthday and hope a better action figure comes along at Christmas.


Local FM station devoted memorial day weekend to yacht rock, and…

… I don’t hate it.

Is this not what they used to call “easy listening“? I have a sudden urge for a dental cleaning.


  1. Another good round of them! Anyway...

    1. I knew the good Captain would turn up with that line sooner or later...

    2. They use that excuse for every other thing they do that fails so why not try it with those goons?

    3. Never made that connection myself but it fits.

    4. Because government indeed...and it really is amazing how much weight you can lose by cutting out a lot of that.

    5. Pretty sure that's a feature not a bug for these types.

    6. Good observation.

    7. Yeah, Grogu sounds like something scraped out of the Mos Eisley cantina bathrooms. Or maybe served there?

    8. Damn, that's perfect, and definitely needs to be filed away for use against people clinging to the "It's a private business, they can do whatever they want, don't like it start your own" line. And that particular thought definitely needs to be explored further, too.

    9. Just another day for the Gaslight Media.

    10. Heh, good one.

    11. An apt description, just like how Wokeness/CRT is original sin with a secular/Marxist paint job and without grace or forgiveness, just eternal penance.

    12. *Looks it up* Huh, never knew that about bulls. Good analogy, though.

    13. That's a grim point that gets brought up in some other places that I lurk sometimes, especially if the Woke push enough otherwise reasonable people to decide that it's better to be hanged for a sheep than a lamb.

    14. Wait, you mean it's possible for the average Twitterzen to actually feel embarrassment?

    15. That's true, and definitely one of the more devious ways to baffle with BS. Not many people are analytical enough to actually put the pieces together in a way that lets them see through it.

    16. Well, you had to see how well the big guy would hold up if he had to be used from the water!

    17. You know you've got a way with words when you can call up multiple scenarios of doom with just two of them.

    18. Damn right. How much longer are people going to take this back alley plastic surgeon mutilation of the language in the name of "niceness?" Or are we past the point where the only response to these things from the average person is just going to be "Thank you, xir, may I have another?"

    19. Well one kind's a gaffe of speech and the other's a gaffe of policy.

    20. Yep, though that doesn't stop people from falling into that trap unfortunately.

    Have to split here.

  2. Part 2!

    21. Even someone whose connection to Christ is tenuous at the best of times like me gets how cultures frequently portray Jesus as being one of them in art. Anti-theists are going to have to do better than that if they want to shake people, and if applicable also prove that their actual religion isn't Wokeness.

    22. That's a lesson a lot of people really need to learn all right.

    23. You know, you may very well have. Me, I still have vivid memories of Mileena taking off her mask for one of her Fatalities in Mortal Kombat II, so my imagination's a bit hesitant in that area!


    25. The only response those idiots need when they say they're a part of that pile of sewage is "You first."

    26. That's a good way of looking at it. =)

    27. I don't doubt that in the least!

    28. It's almost like they're religious fanatics wanting to indoctrinate people or something...

    29. Who indeed...

    30. It's definitely hard to sort the plausible risks from the less plausible ones because of just how far we've fallen down the rabbit hole of Winnie the Flu, and the hucksterism going on isn't helping. Scholarship lotteries in DE for college kids to get it? Dating site perks and profile badges to tell potential mates you've had your shot? I'm not sure what's more disturbing, the thought that this crap is deliberate to push something risky to a desperate population or that these people are just so warped that they simply can't comprehend how to persuade and act in good faith and thus default to various forms of coercion. Sorry, this is another topic that's been nagging at me.

    31. Which says a lot about our current era of hysteria.

    32. See earlier comment about sheep and lamb theft. It's like these clowns want someone to snap and validate their narrative, not caring about what a disaster that would be for everyone, especially the people they say they care so hard about.

    33. Truly a food for attaining enlightenment.

    34. Unfortunately, and mini-rant time again. That was absolutely a stupid thing to do because of how many magazines of ammo that gave the left. Never mind that it was more or less in line, and overall probably tamer than, the crap leftist protestors get up to in both DC and various state capitols, frequently doing handmaid cosplay (the Babbitt shooting aside). They've got a media to cover them, though. It's frustrating all around.

    35. You can't have a good home without the gang!

    36. So it's becoming the brainpower equivalent of Dragon Ball now?

    37. No, but many people treat it as such, and it makes it really damn hard to be a person of faith. All the more so if you just don't have good spiritual wiring to start with.

    38. If they didn't have double standards... See also Pedro Pascal's tweets vs. Gina Carano's, though Gina is more engaging than MTG in more ways than one.

    39. As someone in her district, sorry for the trouble. I agree she's a liability and hope that, if I'm still in the state by the 2022 primaries, any opposition she has isn't some Romney-grade weak sister. John Cowan, the guy who narrowly lost to her, might have another go and while I don’t think he’ll be a scrapper I do think he’d be a steady vote at least. Also see above about the left/Dems having the media to cover for, and play up as good, their crazies like Occasional Cortex while the right/GOP gets beaten with theirs until there's just dents in the ground from it. Also refer back to my comment at Andrew's about the right having so few people willing to fight that people like her actually end up with a fanbase. *Sigh*

    40. Hmm, might need to look that up. I've been so wound up lately some of that might do me some good...


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