Two ways to look at recent Democrat criticisms of violence:
Two ways to look at recent Democrat criticisms of violence:
1) hypocrisy: They saw it was hurting them in the polls, so they started criticizing it and trying to hang it on the GOP.
2) Delusional honesty: the riots are not violence, but people defending property or Trump is.
They can both be true, I guess.
But let's look at the evidence for the latter.
Biden denounced violence, said Trump never has.
Biden also didn't mention BLM or Anti-FA*.
Well, Trump has never denounced Kyle defending himself or the paintball conservatives going into Portland.
Biden has. Cuz that's the only thing he sees as violent.
The Left sees what they call as Justified Violence as Expression. They see anyone criticizing their Justified Violence as Expression as violence.
Remember "Silence is Violence"?
Their violence is expression.
Normie expression is violence.
They *believe* this.
Based on their formulation and view, the only violence that needs to be condemned is Ritterhouse and the conservative caravan that drove into Portland.
Even the guy that got executed by Anti-FA* was the violent one, so he should have expected execution.
Anyway, I think you can find plenty of examples if you look for it.
Does it matter? Probably not.
But calling them out as hypocrites isn't really going to work, because they have a paradigm of consistency.
It might work better to call out their definition of violence.
I mean, it won't work on the Left. They are toddlers in the middle of a tantrum, logic/reason will have no impact on them.
But maybe understanding and explaining to fellow norms how the Left actually thinks and reasons will help them to not fall for Leftist delusion. To convince them that no, you can't go back to voting Democrat if chaos subsides.
The *truest* aspect of this video is how despite the Left obviously being insane and a complete asshole, everyone still seems to give the Left every benefit of the doubt and the default is to *want* to associate the Left.
How Internet Politics Look to Normal Humans
It is important to defeat the Left political right now.
The only way out of this cycle of Leftist violence, this incipient revolution is to hand them a series of crushing political defeats.
But we can't beat them if everyone goes back to supporting them the second they start pretending to be normal again.
An important part of the task we have ahead of us is to educate moderates and Low Info Voters of how the Left actually sees things.
How they actually excuse their own violence as not even being justified.
And how, every time they talk about "our" "us" or "we" in relation to the nation is 100% true, and based on the intent to have any and all dissent silenced, in concentration camps, or dead.
The key to that is *understanding* them.
Anyway, that's the tweet thread.
Addendum: Because they need a paradigm that allows them to be okay with family members being killed or sent to concentration camps.
How do you handle MAGA family members?
— John Collins 🌊 (@KazePlays_JC) September 2, 2020
they may be sad, but their regret will be that they weren't able to get through to you, not that the State killed or imprisoned you.
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