Twitter nuggets

How many must die before Trump is stopped?


Personally, I would pass up any pizza for a Stromboli.


Little Caesar’s is not pizza.


Jailing people for hate speech breaks up families. Checkmate liberals.


Abortion is to miscarriage as arson is to faulty wiring.


There are abundant reasons to reject the proposition that all religions are equal, but even without these, the fact that atheists hold it would be enough.


Him: "Where are you from?"

Me: "Nebraska."

Him: "Where’s your accent?"

Me: 😑


In order to facilitate the equal treatment of all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or creed, here is a list of all the ways one must treat minorities differently.


“Conservatives” have lost the distinction b/w “should not” and “must not.” This is why their “principles” are a cypher. One shouldn’t use vulgar language. At the same time, one mustn’t allow speech to be stifled simply because it’s vulgar. TruCons think both are “must nots.”


The notion that there is some perfect way to say things that can't possibly be distorted is stupid and needs to die. People distort the frickin' Bible! If Christ Jesus isn't immune from being misconstrued, what makes these TruCons think they can do any better? (A: megalomania)


The best age is 17 when the freedom/responsibility differential is maximized.


Astrology kinda makes sense if you think about how agrarian peoples’ lives were quite literally ordered according to the stars. It would make sense, then, to think a more thorough understanding of stars’ movement would reveal how to live every aspect of one’s life.

You see the same thing today with scientistic atheists who believe a large enough dataset can solve every social ill and produce a moral order. The mistake is in thinking that just because a tool works for many things, it must work for all things. This must be how idols are born.


The microwave oven industrial complex is sustained on two lies:
1) This will be good as leftovers.
2) You’re not in the mood for a sandwich.


The only reason there exists a word like "heteronormative" is to imply that there's something wrong with being normal.



When you find yourself splitting hairs over what does and does not constitute doxing, it's a pretty good bet that you doxed someone.


Don’t you understand that the greatest injustice in history is the 50ish years between universal male suffrage and women’s suffrage?


NeverTrump can explain conservatism, but they can't do it.
Trump can't explain conservatism, but he can do it.


The 1960 Ocean’s 11 isn’t that good. Most members of the Rat Pack can't act, the pacing was slow even by contemporary standards, and the plot it thin.


People who incorrectly use "but": Money can't buy happiness, but the best things in life are free.


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