Twitter Potpourri

Trump is such an egomaniac, he’s going to fix all the problems just so he can take credit. (6:47 PM - 27 Apr 2018)


Most crime procedurals amount to pro-cop propaganda. The good guy always cooperates; the bad guy never does; the twist is always the guy who didn’t cooperate wasn’t guilty but is still a sleazebag so he deserved to be harassed, he’ll screw up sometime, we’ll get him eventually.


Walmart to suppliers: "Hey, make your product in a size that is neither useful nor satisfying, just for us. Oh, and while you’re at it, make the packaging impossible to open."


Notice: If you follow me because you thought I blah blah blah yakety schmakety, don't be disappointed in me because I didn't something something. Be disappointed in yourself for being so incredibly, stupidly wrong. You moron.


Leftists thrive on kangaroo court ish. Plead the 5th? Must be guilty. Deny the crime? Why would you do that if you aren’t guilty? Don’t deny? Aha! You didn’t deny it! If you don’t have anything to hide, you won’t mind if we look around. Maybe quarter these men for awhile, too?


Conservatives have been tolerating entertainment that pushes a worldview contrary to their personal beliefs for decades. Liberals can’t handle it for a few weeks.


Oh man! Mueller better find something that sticks before Trump denuclearizes the Middle East. (9:31 PM - 24 Apr 2018)


Mueller needs to hurry up and indict Trump before Korea is reunified. (6:36 PM - 20 Apr 2018)


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